Why Should You Consider Travel Medical Insurance in Your Trip Itinerary?


1st Place Business Travel

Planning an international trip is indeed an exciting experience especially when you have never been there before. However, you are so excited about the trip that you have already planned every single aspect of your excursions. But, there might be a probability that you forgot about the possibility of unseen circumstances. We can’t deny the fact that we can fall sick anytime even on the trip. But have you ever wondered what will you do if something like that happens? It is vital to be prepared for your trip even if it comes to medical emergencies. To tackle the medical emergencies on the trip, travel medical insurance comes to the rescue.


You might have heard about travel insurance but do you know about travel medical insurance? No, they aren’t the same. Travel medical insurance covers medical care expenses and facilitates medical travel services if you get unexpectedly or suddenly sick on the trip. Travel medical insurance is one of the crucial documents while planning an international trip. The insurance protects you with coverage against various medical conditions and helps with your finances during the treatment.


We can never analyze sudden accidents and medical issues but with the help of travel medical insurance, you can tackle such unforeseen medical circumstances. Still, wondering why you need travel medical insurance on your trip? We have enlisted some amazing reasons, take a look!

Compensates Medical Expenses

One of the major reasons to include travel medical insurance in your itinerary is to compensate against accidents or medical treatment that can happen during the trip. In case of any accident, dental treatment or medical treatment, the insurance company will cover the expenses up to the specified limit in the insurance. Some companies also have a network of travel health professionals in various countries with the help of which one can enjoy the cashless treatment.

Emergency Medical Evacuation

If any medical condition requires you to be urgently transferred to the nearest hospital, you don’t need to be worried about the medical expenses. Travel medical insurance covers emergency medical evacuation and ensures that you are getting the best healthcare services. In certain circumstances, if you are already admitted to the hospital and need to go back to your own country for medical health, the travel medical insurance also covers the same.

Extension to Current Health Insurance

Usually, domestic health insurance doesn’t cover the expenses of travel health professionals in foreign lands. Domestic health insurance only covers a fraction of international medical expenses and restricted coverage when it comes to medical insurance while travelling. That’s why it is crucial to include travel medical insurance as an extension to your existing health insurance.


Accidental Death & Dismemberment

Unfortunately, travel can take some unexpected turns and lead to severe consequences. In certain circumstances, critical accidents or medical emergencies can result in dismemberment or even death. Although such cases are uncommon and rare, they occasionally take place. In such a scenario, travel medical insurance proved to be important for medical expenses or compensation to the beneficiary. It is crucial to thoroughly understand the conditions and exclusions enlisted in the insurance.


Travel medical insurance has proved to be an important asset when it comes to travel to a foreign land. From medical expenses to facilitating the best hospitals and healthcare, it helps you to deal with any medical emergency while travelling. If you also want to travel worry-free with travel medical insurance, 1st Place Business Travel is the perfect platform for you. With extensive services and reliable packages, the company also includes travel medical insurance in their itinerary.


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